Besix entrusts Composil with the removal and management of 17,800m² of used carpet from the former BNP Paribas Fortis offices
saved from incineration and sent to the facilities of our recycling partner
Tarkett Restart
carpet refurbished and added to our reuse catalog for reintroduction
to the market
178 Tonnes CO₂
environmental savings achieved through the recovery of carpet and its diversion from incineration
For the renovation project of the former BNP Paribas Fortis offices in Brussels, BESIX has commissioned Composil for the removal and recovery of all the carpet in the building.
By collaborating with local and made-in-Brussels partners, the project went smoothly and demonstrates, once again, the high capacity for carpet recovery in real estate renovation projects.
The challenge for Composil was to recover a bit less than 18,000 m² of carpet, maximizing their reuse as much as possible.
Mission accomplished! Indeed, a total of 14,596m² could be sent to our recycling partner Tarkett Restart for recycling, while 3,200m² could be reconditioned and added to Composil's reuse catalog.
Name : BESIX
Industry : Active since 1909, the BESIX Group has become a multi-disciplinary company with a leading position in its business markets: construction, real estate development and concessions. BESIX embodies excellence in construction, combining technical expertise, constant innovation and social commitment.
Project location: Brussels
Website :
• Removal
• Sorting
• Refurbishment & Conditioning
• Recycling & Certification

• Removal
• Sorting
• Refurbishment & Conditioning
• Recycling & Certification

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Think reduction. Think optimization. The Carpet ReUse Program is designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients' real estate projects. For over 30 years, we have been supporting the most demanding carpet and textile projects.